In solidarity with the people of Palestine!

Feed Poor

Feed our Muslim brothers in sisters living in poverty by gifting a food pack, or meat of livestock, or prepared meals. Feeding Poor (Miskeen) becomes obligatory as Fidhya, Kaffaara or Nadhr (Nadhuru). It can also be done voluntarily out of goodwill as Sadaqah (charity).


  1. Kaffaara al-Yameen (Breaking a Vow): 10 miskeen
  2. Kaffaara al-Zihar (Akin Wife to Mother): 60 Miskeen
  3. Kaffaara al-Jimau (Intercourse during day time of Ramadan): 60 Miskeen


Fidya al-Siyam (Roadha Fidhya): Those who are unable to fast due to any of these reasons shall feed 1 Miskeen on behalf of each missed fast: old age, fatal / chronic illness, pregnant women who break the fast for fear of harming the child, and breastfeeding women.


Nadhr is when a person oblige himself to do something that is not obligatory because of something that he want to happen. If it becomes a reality, he is obliged fulfill it.

Our Offers

Single meal for a poor person | Beneficiaries: 1 person


Single meal for a poor family | Beneficiaries: 7 persons


Raw meat is distributed | Beneficiaries: 10


Cooked and distributed | Beneficiaries: 15 - 20


Raw meat is distributed | Beneficiaries: 10 - 15


Cooked and distributed | Beneficiaries: 20 - 25


Raw meat is distributed | Beneficiaries: 75 - 100


Cooked and distributed | Beneficiaries: 150 - 200


Raw meat is distributed | Beneficiaries: 100 - 150


Cooked and distributed | Beneficiaries: 200 - 250


One month's food for a poor Muslim family in Chad (Central Africa)


Ifthaar 'Saaim in Nepal



  • Fidyat al-Sawm (Roadha fidya)
  • Kaffaara al-Yameen (Breaking a Vow)
  • Kaffaara al-Zihar (Akin Wife to Mother)
  • Kaffaara al-Jimau (Intercourse during day time of Ramadan)

Feeding 1 Miskeen for each fasting day. That is equivalent to half saai’ or 1 meal for each Miskeen.

Unable to fast due to:

  • Old Age
  • Fatal / chronic illness
  • Pregnant / nursing women who break the fast for fear of harming the child

Local staple food.

Yes. It can be either raw or cooked. If a person wants to give raw foods, he can give 1.5kg of any local staple food to the Miskeen. However, if he wants to give cooked food, there is no need to measure. Just 1 meal is enough. 

Approximately 1.5kg

Yes. Unless it is an infant who cannot consume regular food.

It is not allowed. In the Quran Allah SWT has specifically mentioned to feed poor (إطعام مسكين) as Kaffara, hence there must be a reason or wisdom behind it. Therefore, it is not allowed to change the method of expiation (kaffara).

If they break the fast for fear of harming the child, they must feed poor in addition to making up the fasts of those days.

Yes. There is no order for it. So, the person can either fast before feeding poor or feed poor before fasting or carryout both at the sometime.

There are 2 situations for this.

  • If he gets the chance to make up the fasts before death: his heirs must either make up the fast or feed poor.
  • If he did not get the chance to make up for the fasts before death: his heirs are not obliged to do anything.

His heirs are not obliged to do anything.

Make up the missed the fasts and pay fidya (feed poor) for each fast.

It is a grave sin. Each of them must repent, ask for forgiveness, feel remorseful for it and pay kaffara for it. Kaffara must be paid in the following way:

  1. Freeing a slave: If he is unable to free a slave, he must
  2. Fast for 60 consecutive days: If he is unable to do so, he must
  3. Feed 60 Miskeen.

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Thanks and Stay Amazing.